Building Steppable

It is probably best to start discussing extension of CC3D by showing a relatively simple example of a steppable written in C++. In typical scenario steppables are written in Python. There are three main reasons for that 1) No compilation is required. 2) The code is more compact and easier to write than C++. 3) Python has a rich set of libraries that make scientific computation easily accessible. However, writing a steppable in C++ is not that much more difficult, as you will see shortly, and you are almost guaranteed that your code will run orders of magnitude faster. Let me rephrase this last sentence - a typical code written in C++ is orders of magnitude faster than equivalent code written in pure Python. Since most of the steppable code consists of iterating over all cells and adjusting their attributes, C++ will perform this task much faster.

Getting started

Before you start developing CC3D C++ extension modules, you need to clone CC3D repository.

git clone .

It is optional to checkout a particular branch of CC3D, but most often you will work with master branch. If , however, you want to checkout a branch - you would type something like this:

git checkout 4.0.0


At this point you have complete code in CC3D_DEVELOP directory. And in addition

Now we open Twedit++ - you need to have “standard” installation of CC3D on your machine available - and go to CC3D C++ menu and choose Generate New Module... entry and fill out the dialog box:



In this example we show how to generate steppable code template in the “main” CC3D code. However, a more frequently used scenario is to Generate steppable code in “DeveloperZone” folder. We will show it in the subsequent chapter

This is exactly what we did:

  1. We specify a name of a steppable as GrowthSteppable
  2. We specify the location of when steppable code is stored /Users/m/CC3D_DEVELOP/CompuCell3D/core/CompuCell3D/steppables. Note, that we point to the cloned CC3D repository that we originally stored in CC3D_DEVELOP subdirectory. It happens that the path to this repository is /Users/m/CC3D_DEVELOP.
  3. We select Steppable radio in the C++ Module Type panel. We also check Python Wrap checkbox to allow generation of Python bindings of this steppable.

When we press OK button Twedit++ will generate a complete set of template files that could be compiled as-is and the steppable will run. Obviously our goal is to modify template file to generate steppable w want. In current implementation of CC3D Twedit++ generates or modifies approximately 10 files.


As you can see in the CMakeLists.txt file Twedit++ modified this file and added line ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(GrowthSteppable)

Now, let us focus on modifying template files and creating a steppable (GrowthSteppable) we specify growth rate in the XMl and allow modification of this rate from Python.

Let’s first examine the header of the GrowthSteppable class:


#include <CompuCell3D/CC3D.h>
#include "GrowthSteppableDLLSpecifier.h"

namespace CompuCell3D {

  template <class T> class Field3D;

  template <class T> class WatchableField3D;

    class Potts3D;
    class Automaton;
    class BoundaryStrategy;
    class CellInventory;
    class CellG;

  class GROWTHSTEPPABLE_EXPORT GrowthSteppable : public Steppable {

    WatchableField3D<CellG *> *cellFieldG;

    Simulator * sim;

    Potts3D *potts;

    CC3DXMLElement *xmlData;

    Automaton *automaton;

    BoundaryStrategy *boundaryStrategy;

    CellInventory * cellInventoryPtr;

    Dim3D fieldDim;


    GrowthSteppable ();

    virtual ~GrowthSteppable ();

    // SimObject interface

    virtual void init(Simulator *simulator, CC3DXMLElement *_xmlData=0);

    virtual void extraInit(Simulator *simulator);

    //steppable interface

    virtual void start();

    virtual void step(const unsigned int currentStep);

    virtual void finish() {}

    //SteerableObject interface

    virtual void update(CC3DXMLElement *_xmlData, bool _fullInitFlag=false);

    virtual std::string steerableName();

     virtual std::string toString();




Each steppable defines virtual void start(), virtual void step(const unsigned int currentStep) and virtual void finish() functions. They have exactly the same role as analogous functions in Python scripting. The oly differentce is that C++ steppables will be called before Python steppables

Let us check the generated implementation file of the Steppable (the .cpp file):

#include <CompuCell3D/CC3D.h>
using namespace CompuCell3D;
using namespace std;
#include "GrowthSteppable.h"
GrowthSteppable::GrowthSteppable() : cellFieldG(0),sim(0),potts(0),xmlData(0),boundaryStrategy(0),automaton(0),cellInventoryPtr(0){}

GrowthSteppable::~GrowthSteppable() {


void GrowthSteppable::init(Simulator *simulator, CC3DXMLElement *_xmlData) {


  potts = simulator->getPotts();

  cellInventoryPtr=& potts->getCellInventory();


  cellFieldG = (WatchableField3D<CellG *> *)potts->getCellFieldG();





void GrowthSteppable::extraInit(Simulator *simulator){


void GrowthSteppable::start(){



void GrowthSteppable::step(const unsigned int currentStep){


    CellInventory::cellInventoryIterator cInvItr;

    CellG * cell=0;


    for(cInvItr=cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryBegin() ; cInvItr !=cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryEnd() ;++cInvItr )



        cerr<<""<<cell->id<<" vol="<<cell->volume<<endl;



void GrowthSteppable::update(CC3DXMLElement *_xmlData, bool _fullInitFlag){


    //For more information on XML parser function please see CC3D code or lookup XML utils API

    automaton = potts->getAutomaton();


   set<unsigned char> cellTypesSet;

    CC3DXMLElement * exampleXMLElem=_xmlData->getFirstElement("Example");

    if (exampleXMLElem){

        double param=exampleXMLElem->getDouble();



            std::string attrib=exampleXMLElem->getAttribute("Type");

            // double attrib=exampleXMLElem->getAttributeAsDouble("Type"); //in case attribute is of type double




    //boundaryStrategy has information about pixel neighbors



std::string GrowthSteppable::toString(){

   return "GrowthSteppable";


std::string GrowthSteppable::steerableName(){

   return toString();


The step and start``functions are the first function we will modify. In its current implementation the generated ``step function already contains helpful code but start function will be rewritten. Let’s take a look:

void GrowthSteppable::start(){


    void GrowthSteppable::step(const unsigned int currentStep){

    CellInventory::cellInventoryIterator cInvItr;

    CellG * cell=0;


    for(cInvItr=cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryBegin() ; cInvItr !=cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryEnd() ;++cInvItr )


        cell = cellInventoryPtr->getCell(cInvItr);

        cerr << "" << cell->id << " vol=" << cell->volume << endl;



The for loop iterates over inventory of cells and prints cell id and cell volume. To iterate over cell inventory we are using cellInventoryPtr which is a pointer to CellInventory object. The class for this object (CellInventory) is defined in Potts3D/CellInventory.h and implementation is in Potts3D/CellInventory.cpp. Internally, we are using STL(Standard Template Library - C++) maps to keep track of cells. The statement cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryBegin() returns an iterator to cell inventory. If you look closely at the implementation files the container we are using as a cell inventory is std::map<CellIdentifier,CellG *> and CellIdentifier contains cell id and cluster id to uniquely identify cells. Therefore iteration over cell inventory is simply iteration over STL map. If you are not familiar with concept of iterators and containers of STL we recommend that you look up basic C++ tutorials for example: .

Let us now modify the above start and step functions and implement first version of growth steppable:

void GrowthSteppable::start(){

    CellInventory::cellInventoryIterator cInvItr;
    CellG * cell = 0;

    for (cInvItr = cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryBegin(); cInvItr != cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryEnd(); ++cInvItr)

        cell = cellInventoryPtr->getCell(cInvItr);
        cell->targetVolume = 25.0;
        cell->lambdaVolume = 2.0;


    void GrowthSteppable::step(const unsigned int currentStep){

    CellInventory::cellInventoryIterator cInvItr;

    CellG * cell=0;

    float growthRate = 1.0;

    for(cInvItr=cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryBegin() ; cInvItr !=cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryEnd() ;++cInvItr )


        cell = cellInventoryPtr->getCell(cInvItr);
        cell->targetVolume += growthRate ;



When we create cells they all have targetVolume and lambdaVolume set to 0.0 and thus volume constraint does nothing. We fix it by setting those parameters for each cell in the start function.

If you are familiar with CC3D Python scripting you will quickly find analogies. The only thing we added was the following statement cell->targetVolume += growthRate ;

When we compile and run this example the cells’ target volume will increase by amount hardcoded in the growthRate variable which in our case is 1.0.

Let’s take it to the next level (slowly). Now we will write a code that increases target volume of cells but only for the first 100 MCS and only if cell type is equal to 1.

    void GrowthSteppable::step(const unsigned int currentStep){

    if (currentStep > 100)

    CellInventory::cellInventoryIterator cInvItr;

    CellG * cell=0;

    float growthRate = 1.0;

    for(cInvItr=cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryBegin() ; cInvItr !=cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryEnd() ;++cInvItr )


        cell = cellInventoryPtr->getCell(cInvItr);
        if (cell->type == 1){
            cell->targetVolume += growthRate ;



First thing we do in this steppable is checking if current MCS is greater than 100 and if so we return. Inside the loop we added if (cell->type == 1) check that allows increase of target volume only if cell is of type 1. Small digression here. If you want to print cell type to the screen you need to use the following syntax:

cerr << "cell type=" << (int)cell->type <<endl;

As you can see we are performing type cast to int. This is because cell type (defined in Potts3D/Cell.h) is defined as unsigned char. Consequently CC3D allows only 256 cell types, which at first sight might look limiting but in practice is more than enough.

In the previous examples we hard-coded the value of growth rate using float growthRate = 1.0;. This is not an optimal solution. What if you want to run 5 simulations simultaneously each one with different value of growth rate. If you hard-code values you would need to have 5 distinct compilations of CC3D available. Clearly, hard-coding is not scalable. We need better solution. It is time to learn how to parse XML in C++ code

Parsing XML in C++

Building flexible code requires that we provide some sensible configuration mechanism via which users can customize their simulation without the need to recompile code. In CC3D we have two ways of achieving it 1) XML 2) Python scripting. It is up to you which one you use and we will teach you how to use both approaches. For now let’s start with XML parsing.

All C++ CC3D Plugins and Steppables define virtual function update(CC3DXMLElement *_xmlData, bool _fullInitFlag). This function takes two arguments: pointer to XML element _xmlData (that CC3D initializes to be the root element of the particular Plugin or Steppable) and a flag _fullInitFlag that specifies if full initialization of the module is required or not.

Suppose that our XML will look as follows:

<Steppable Type="GrowthSteppable">

We would parse this XML in C++ using the following code:

void GrowthSteppable::update(CC3DXMLElement *_xmlData, bool _fullInitFlag){

    automaton = potts->getAutomaton();


   set<unsigned char> cellTypesSet;

    CC3DXMLElement * growthElem = _xmlData->getFirstElement("GrowthRate");

    if (growthElem){

        this->growthRate = growthElem->getDouble();


    //boundaryStrategy has information about pixel neighbors



As we mentioned before _xmlData points to <Steppable Type="GrowthSteppable">. We need to get the child of this element i.e. <GrowthRate>1.0</GrowthRate>. Since we know that there is only one child element (let’s say we make such constraint for now - we will relax it later) we use the following code:

CC3DXMLElement * growthElem = _xmlData->getFirstElement("GrowthRate");

The getFirstElement method returns a pointer to a child element that is of the form

<GrowthRate ...>...</GrowthRate>

The returned pointer can be NULL if suitable child element cannot be found. This is why we add if (growthElem) check. Assuming that the <GrowthRate> child exist we read its cdata part. For any XML element , cdata part (cdata stands for character data) is the part that sits between closing > and opening < brackets of XML element. For example in


the cdata part is 1.0. The CC3DXMLElement has several methods that read and convert cdata to appropriate C++ type. Here we are using getDouble()

this->growthRate = growthElem->getDouble();

Obviously, CC3DXMLElement defines more methods to convert character data to required type (getInt, getBool , etc…) They are defined in XMLUtils/CC3DXMLElement.h

In order for this code to work we need to define growthRate inside GrowthSteppable class header - we can do it as follows:

class GROWTHSTEPPABLE_EXPORT GrowthSteppable : public Steppable {

  WatchableField3D<CellG *> *cellFieldG;

  Simulator * sim;

  Potts3D *potts;

  CC3DXMLElement *xmlData;

  Automaton *automaton;

  BoundaryStrategy *boundaryStrategy;

  CellInventory * cellInventoryPtr;

  Dim3D fieldDim;


  GrowthSteppable ();

  virtual ~GrowthSteppable ();

  double growthRate;


With those changes we can rewrite our step function as:

It is almost the same implementation as before except we use cell->targetVolume += this->growthRate; instead of cell->targetVolume += growthRate;

The this->growthRate gets initialized based on the input provided in

<Steppable Type="GrowthSteppable">

If we change it to

<Steppable Type="GrowthSteppable">

and rerun the simulation the rate of increase of target volume will be 2.0. All the changes we make to the growth rate now do not require recompilation but only chenges int he XML file, exactly how CC3D is designed to work. Next we will learn how to parse attributes of the XML elements. As a motivating example we will specify different growth rates for different cell types.

Parsing XMl Attributes

If we want our simulation to have different growth rates for different cell types we need to store them in e.g. STL map and we need to modify header of the GrowthSteppable to look as follows:

class GROWTHSTEPPABLE_EXPORT GrowthSteppable : public Steppable {

  WatchableField3D<CellG *> *cellFieldG;

  Simulator * sim;

  Potts3D *potts;

  CC3DXMLElement *xmlData;

  Automaton *automaton;

  BoundaryStrategy *boundaryStrategy;

  CellInventory * cellInventoryPtr;

  Dim3D fieldDim;


  GrowthSteppable ();

  virtual ~GrowthSteppable ();

  std::map<unsigned int, double> growthRateMap;


We replaced double growthRate with std::map<unsigned int, double> growthRateMap; The key of the map is cell type and the value is growth rate. Now we need to design and parse XML that will allow users to specify required data. Let us try the following syntax:

<Steppable Type="GrowthSteppable">
    <GrowthRate CellType="1">1.3</GrowthRate>
    <GrowthRate CellType="2">1.7</GrowthRate>

I case you wonder what I mean by “trying out syntax” it means that it is up to you to design XML syntax in such a way that it allows you to specify model in the way you want. The above example fulfills this requirement because we specify different growth rates for different cell types. However, we could also come up with a different way of specifying the same information:

<Steppable Type="GrowthSteppable">
    <GrowthRate CellType="1" Rate="1.3"/>
    <GrowthRate CellType="2" Rate="1.7"/>

Both approaches are OK.

Let us write the update function that will parse first of the above XMLs:

void GrowthSteppable::update(CC3DXMLElement *_xmlData, bool _fullInitFlag){

    automaton = potts->getAutomaton();


    set<unsigned char> cellTypesSet;

    CC3DXMLElementList growthVec = _xmlData->getElements("GrowthRate");

    for (int i = 0; i < growthVec.size(); ++i) {
        unsigned int cellType = growthVec[i]->getAttributeAsUInt("CellType");
        double growthRateTmp = growthVec[i]->getDouble();
        this->growthRateMap[cellType] = growthRateTmp;

    //boundaryStrategy has information about pixel neighbors


The code is slightly different this time because we expect multiple entries of the type <GrowthRate CellType="xxx" Rate="yyy"/>. Therefore, by writing the code:

CC3DXMLElementList growthVec = _xmlData->getElements("Rate");

we ensure that CC3D will return a list (actually it is implemented as an STL vector) of XML element pointers that start with <GrowthRate ...> . Next, we iterate over the vector of XML element pointers and notice that growthVec[i] returns a pointer to XML element pointer and we query this element. First, we read and convert to unsigned int value of CellType attribute:

unsigned int cellType = growthVec[i]->getAttributeAsUInt("CellType");

The next line:

double growthRateTmp = growthVec[i]->getDouble();

should be familiar already because it reads the value of cdata of <GrowthRate CellType="1">1.3</GrowthRate>

Once we extracted cell type and actual growth rate from a single element we store those values in this->growthRateMap map:

this->growthRateMap[cellType] = growthRateTmp;


We are not performing any error checks in the above code and assume that users enter reasonable values. In the production code we would monitor for possible errors but this extra code would make this introductory manual a bit too confusing

If we wanted to parse second syntax where we specify growth rate as and attribute rather than cdata :

<Steppable Type="GrowthSteppable">
    <GrowthRate CellType="1" Rate="1.3"/>
    <GrowthRate CellType="2" Rate="1.7"/>

we would need to make only small modification:

void GrowthSteppable::update(CC3DXMLElement *_xmlData, bool _fullInitFlag){

    automaton = potts->getAutomaton();


    set<unsigned char> cellTypesSet;

    CC3DXMLElementList growthVec = _xmlData->getElements("GrowthRate");

    for (int i = 0; i < growthVec.size(); ++i) {
        unsigned int cellType = growthVec[i]->getAttributeAsUInt("CellType");
        double growthRateTmp = growthVec[i]->getAttributeAsDouble("GrowthRate");
        this->growthRateMap[cellType] = growthRateTmp;

    //boundaryStrategy has information about pixel neighbors


The code differs from previous parsing code by only one line:

double growthRateTmp = growthVec[i]->getAttributeAsDouble("GrowthRate");

As usual for a complete list of functions that read and convert XML attributes to concrete C++ types , check XMLUtils/CC3DXMLElement.h

In order to take advantage of the specification of growth rate on a per-cell-type basis we modify step function as follows:

void GrowthSteppable::step(const unsigned int currentStep){

    CellInventory::cellInventoryIterator cInvItr;

    CellG * cell=0;

   if (currentStep > 100)

    std::map<unsigned int, double>::iterator mitr;

    for(cInvItr=cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryBegin() ; cInvItr !=cellInventoryPtr->cellInventoryEnd() ;++cInvItr )


        mitr = this->growthRateMap.find((unsigned int)cell->type);

        if (mitr != this->growthRateMap.end()){
            cell->targetVolume += mitr->second;



We declare an iterator to the std::map<unsigned int, double>. HInt: iterator is like a pointer and in the case of map iterator will have two components mitr->first which will be a key of this->growthRateMap map (in our case a key is a cell type) and mitr->second which will point to a value of the this->growthRateMap which in our case is a growth rate.

When we get a new cell first thing we do is to check if iterator pointing to a pair of (cell type, growth rate) exist:

mitr = this->growthRateMap.find((unsigned int)cell->type);

If such entry exists in the this->growthRateMap then this iterator will point to a value different than this->growthRateMap.end() and in such a case we know that mitr->second points to a growth rate for a cell type given by cell->type. We simply increase target volume of such cell by the growth rate. This logic is code up in the following if statement”:

if (mitr != this->growthRateMap.end()){
    cell->targetVolume += mitr->second;

The presented example went over a theory of how to build a basic steppable and integrate it with main CC3D code. In the next tutorial we will present the same steppable but we will build it in the DevelopeZone folder of CC3D. The idea here is that this new steppable can live outside main CC3D code and still be accessible by the installed binaries.